Film scripts:
Sushi Sex and Crime - romantic comedy
Martin’s Dog - Christmas Family Drama (NRW Funding)
Sputnik - Sci-fi action
TV series:
Geht’s Noch!? (Sketch Show on Pro 7)
The Shadow Horse (NRW Funding)
24 (SAT 1 sketch show with Dirk Bach)
Albert Sagt - Animated TV series ZDF
Wonderful World of Waldo - Animated TV series ZDF
Fix n Foxi - ZDF
Magic Moments of Poker
End Station Seinfeld - comedy drama
Wenn Sie Lachen ist es Oschmann
Schwarz Rot Gold - sketch comedy
Grenzländer mit Bender - Docu-comedy
Fang den Mörder - WDR
Media Mark - very.tv
Mat Joubert - 6 part crime series - All In Productions
Currently writing the second season.
The Fall - dance theatre
Dub-TV - film theatre
Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde for the Aida Shipping Line
Springmaus Theatre, Bonn
Mit Hirn Charme und Melone - co-writer/director
Cavequeen co-writer with Mirko Bott and Heiko Wohlgemuth
Adapted Berlin Extra Scharf - Berlin Extra Hot and Spicy for the
Distel theatre, Berlin.Performed by Rüdiger Rudolph.
'Eat!My!Face!' - A wry and self deprecating covid lockdown commentary.