
Film scripts:

Sushi Sex and Crime - romantic comedy

Martin’s Dog - Christmas Family Drama (NRW Funding)
Sputnik - Sci-fi action


TV series:


Geht’s Noch!?  (Sketch Show on Pro 7)

The Shadow Horse (NRW Funding)

24 (SAT 1 sketch show with Dirk Bach)

Albert Sagt - Animated TV series ZDF

Wonderful World of Waldo  - Animated TV series ZDF

Fix n Foxi - ZDF

Magic Moments of Poker

End Station Seinfeld - comedy drama

Wenn Sie Lachen ist es Oschmann

Schwarz Rot Gold - sketch comedy

Grenzländer mit Bender - Docu-comedy

Fang den Mörder - WDR

Media Mark - very.tv 
Mat Joubert - 6 part crime series - All In Productions

Currently writing the second season.




The Fall - dance theatre

Dub-TV - film theatre

Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde for the Aida Shipping Line

Springmaus Theatre, Bonn

Mit Hirn Charme und Melone - co-writer/director
Cavequeen co-writer with Mirko Bott and Heiko Wohlgemuth

Adapted Berlin Extra Scharf - Berlin Extra Hot and Spicy for the Distel theatre, Berlin.Performed by Rüdiger Rudolph.


'Eat!My!Face!' - A wry and self deprecating covid lockdown commentary.





'Die Kölnigs Schenken Nach' will move next year from the Schmidt theatre into the Tivoli! theatre for a couple of months. 


The book 'Eat!My!Face!' which I've been working on with John Hudson is being sent to the printers! Copies will be available shortly.


On June 2nd -  the play 'König von Kietz II' written together with Heiko Wohlgemüth and Martzin Lingnau will premier in Hamburg at the Schmidt Theatre.


Cavequeen is back after Covid and is being performed throughout Germany.

DUB TV perform on April 26th at the Gloria Theatre in Cologne with some of the Gürzenich orchestra ensemble.

Currently producing 'Cricket' - a radio play written by Needham, Pastouna and Wohlgemüth.



Up and coming Shows:
